I occasionally transfer files from WINDOWS to a Mac anonymously and upon doing so end up with a file owned by ‘nobody’. So I wrote this to set the owner to the person who runs this as a Folder Action. Can also be run from the AppleScript menuextra. Continue reading
Category Archives: Code
OS X Server 5 Shenanigans
OS X Server 5 for OS X 10.10. and 10.11, while a significant improvement to Lion Server for OS X 10.7, still behaves oddly when mixing SSL and non-SSL requests. Whereas before it wanted every request redirected to the SSL pipe, now it will let you do either. It won’t, however, let you do both.
WordPress will try to do both. Why? I dunno. It should work, and did on plain Apache 2, but OS X Server 5 puts up a proxy to the WAN and serves from a different port. This is not presented upfront to the Server.app user, but is most likely in the docs. RTFM much? Ha-ha! No.
The affect this had on my WordPress install is instead of logging in being presented with a page that merely stated,
You don’t have permission to view this page.
Or some such equally helpful information. A little web searching turned up the answer. To overcome this the following can be added to wp-includes/http.php
/* Adding this BS for OS X Server 5 being a dick... */
if ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] == 'https') {
I saw a post on wordpress.net that said to put this into config.php, but that did not work for me. Neither did the mod_rewrite mumbo-jumbo in that thread and apparently it didn’t for the OP, either.
I admit being ignorant to what HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO is, but it appears to be a HTTP header from an Apache mod Apple is running. Unique to them or something well known? I dunno. I don’t pretend to try to keep up with this stuff any longer. That’s why I went to WordPress; So I wouldn’t have to.
iTunes Content Rating strings
Re: http://sourceforge.net/projects/atomicparsley/forums/forum/514419/topic/1687885?message=4206988
United States (01)
Not Rated mpaa||0|
G mpaa|G|100|
PG mpaa|PG|200|
PG-13 mpaa|PG-13|300|
R mpaa|R|400|
NC-17 mpaa|NC-17|500|
Unrated mpaa|UNRATED|900|
Not Rated us-tv||0|
TV-Y us-tv|TV-Y|100|
TV-Y7 us-tv|TV-Y7|200|
TV-G us-tv|TV-G|300|
TV-PG us-tv|TV-PG|400|
TV-14 us-tv|TV-14|500|
TV-MA us-tv|TV-MA|600|
Unrated us-tv|UNRATED|900|
These alone (added using a hex editor) are not enough by themselves to get iTunes to see the rating. Not sure at all what is missing.
Save list of folder contents
[UPDATE] Revisited this one and made it a little nicer. It is faster and gives a total count of directories and files, skips invisibles (but you can undo that), and doesn’t error on item names longer than 31 characters. Confirmed to run on 10.4, YMMV.
This AppleScript will create a file containing a tree style list of all files inside the chosen directory and save that list in a file created in that directory. The list file will include the path of the listed directory as well as the date and time it was saved and a tally of me bananas… er, folders and files under the starting directory.
The default directory in the choose dialog is the folder of the Finder’s frontmost window unless there are no Finder windows. In which case the default is the Desktop folder.
It does not follow aliases (not sure about symlinks) and will indicate an alias by placing ” [alias]” behind the file name.
This is actually a modified version of a script that’s been around the web for years.
-- http://strawhousepig.net/
set fileList to ""
set d_count to 0
set f_count to 0
global fileList, d_count, f_count
on listFolder(f, s)
list folder f as alias without invisibles
repeat with i in the result
set finfo to (info for alias (f & i))
if folder of finfo then
set d_count to d_count + 1
set fileList to fileList & s & i & "/" & return
listFolder(f & i & ":", s & " ")
if alias of finfo then
set f_count to f_count + 1
set fileList to fileList & s & i & " [alias]" & return
set f_count to f_count + 1
set fileList to fileList & s & i & return
end if
end if
end repeat
return {fileList, d_count, f_count}
end listFolder
tell application "Finder" to set cwd to (POSIX path of (folder of window 1 as string)) as POSIX file
on error
set cwd to path to desktop folder
end try
set theFolder to (choose folder "Select a folder to list:" default location cwd) as string
--This will get the name of the folder for use in the name of the generated file
set folderName to name of (info for (theFolder as alias))
--This will get the Unix style path of the folder for info purposes inside the file itself
set folderPath to POSIX path of theFolder
set infoList to listFolder(theFolder, "")
set fileList to "# File list of: " & folderPath & " on " & (current date) & return & item 2 of infoList & " folders and " & item 3 of infoList & " files total." & return & return & item 1 of infoList
set listFile to ((theFolder) as text) & "!File list of this folder (" & folderName & ")" & (do shell script "date \"+ %Y-%m-%d %H%M\"") & ".txt"
tell application "Finder"
set newFile to (open for access file listFile with write permission)
set eof newFile to 0
write fileList to newFile
close access newFile
open listFile as alias
end tell
iPhoto import from folders AppleScript
Preface: Having upgraded my phone (Nokia N8) firmware to “Belle” — whatever version that is, the Nokia Multimedia Transfer application no longer imports photos to iPhoto.* Tragic because the camera is the sole reason I bought this phone. Ordinarily this would not be a problem since the phone uses a “DCIM” folder at the drive root and can store images with 8 character names (5 of which you set yourself). But not every photo app does store them there or with a “proper” name. Even though there exists an “Images” folder in the drive root that I know gets used, Mass Storage.app does not access it. Could be another naming convention similar to DCF
This is an AppleScript to get around this limitation, and to allow (in my case at least) the importing of camera files named by date. In short you choose which folders you want this script to tell iPhoto to import from and can be used with any folder(s), no specific device required.
Notable: Uses ‘defaults’ to store and load folder paths in a property list (.plist) file.
Continue reading
Clone Finder window
Sometimes having two Finder windows open to the same folder comes in handy. This script should as well because it tells the Finder to do just that.
Open in AppleScript Editor.app
tell application "Finder"
set this_folder to folder of window 1
make new Finder window to this_folder
end try
end tell
Also a part of NewHere.
AppleScript to extract data from a message in Mail.app
Newer more betterer version out now! Check it.
This is used to take selected e-mails, the contents of which are auto generated web form submissions, and parse them for the mailing address using AppleScript’s text item delimiters.
Continue reading
Hide thumbnails of certain users content on Flickr
Using CSS you can identify and hide thumbnails from users. Makes it a bit easier to skip past or ignore people who can’t help but taint your favorite groups with inappropriate or offensive material or idiotic political themed collages. Nothing kills my buzz like having the local flora, fauna, and other interesting things interrupted with fear mongering hate rhetoric.
/**** A-holes on Flickr ****/
a[href*="/USER_ID/"]:before {
content: "NUTJOB ";
a[href*="/USER_ID/"] img {
display:none !important;
This does not hide the actual content on its own page or disable any links. It just lets you easily identify items to avoid while hiding the thumbnail.
The USER_ID can be culled from the URL the item resides at. For instance my ID in context: http://www.flickr.com/photos/strawhousepig/ Keep in mind that not all IDs are human readable. The default value is a seemingly random string.
Netflix search bookmarklet
Drag this link to your bookmarks, or copy paste the URL.
What it does: Takes the current selected text and sends it to Netflix.com as a search string. If no text is selected a prompt window will pop-up allowing you to manually enter a term. Also, if you are browsing The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) when you select it the title of the page will be used as the search string.
What it is:
q=document.title.split(' - IMDb',1);
void(q=prompt('Enter search term (Netflix)',''));
Mac ready “lightbox” close widget
I use a Mac, you use a Mac. Our close window button is in the top left corner of the window so it’s convenient when a JavaScript pop-over puts the “button” there, though most don’t. A few I run into I’ve decided to throw some CSS at to fix them.
/**** Mac ready "close" widget ****/
/* WordPress admin "More info..." */
div#TB_ajaxWindowTitle {
float:none !important;
display:inline !important;
div#TB_closeAjaxWindow {
display:inline !important;
float:left !important;
clear:left !important;
/* Amazon */
div.ap_close {
left: 24px !important;
span.ap_closebutton {
/* "Fancybox" */
a#fancybox-close {
left:-15px !important;
/* "MultiBox" */
div.MultiBoxClose {
left:-26px !important;
/* Disqus profile */
a.dsq-modal-close-btn {
position:absolute !important;
top:10px !important;
left:10px !important;
This would of course go into your user defined CSS file. Which in Safari can be added at Safari > Preferences | Advanced – Style sheet: