Tag Archives: Note To Self

MTB conversion

In my quest for a better street bike I can either spend a few hundred on a used better model bike or a new low end model bike. Or I can convert my aging, better model MTB, a 19″ 1992 Trek 930 hardtail.

Tires were 1.95 knobbed, now 1.5 road tires. Makes for a noticeably stiffer ride. Though it actually seems harder to pedal. Since I’m as out of shape as I’ve ever been I cannot rely on this assessment.

Chainrings (110BCD) can be replaced with some slightly larger ones. Outer chainring is already 48t, but I can fit a 54t on it. They really do need to be replaced as it is, so why not go a little more road worthy? Sugino makes a set that will increase the outer and granny gear, letting me keep my crank and derailer.

Handlebar (upright) will likely not be replaced with a drop bar since I would need to replace the stem as it’s a one-piece high rise, but an aerobar might help.

In the end I’m still torn because I’d be making a workable tank of an MTB into a Frankenstein road bike that never will be one. At this point, I think stopping at tires is enough.

iTunes Content Rating strings

Re: http://sourceforge.net/projects/atomicparsley/forums/forum/514419/topic/1687885?message=4206988

United States (01)

Not Rated mpaa||0|

G mpaa|G|100|

PG mpaa|PG|200|

PG-13 mpaa|PG-13|300|

R mpaa|R|400|

NC-17 mpaa|NC-17|500|

Unrated mpaa|UNRATED|900|

Not Rated us-tv||0|

TV-Y us-tv|TV-Y|100|

TV-Y7 us-tv|TV-Y7|200|

TV-G us-tv|TV-G|300|

TV-PG us-tv|TV-PG|400|

TV-14 us-tv|TV-14|500|

TV-MA us-tv|TV-MA|600|

Unrated us-tv|UNRATED|900|

These alone (added using a hex editor) are not enough by themselves to get iTunes to see the rating. Not sure at all what is missing.

iPhoto ’11 is a PITA to use

Photo metadata. Keywords, description / caption:

ExifRenamer (have)


Straight-up iPhoto competitors:

http://www.kavasoft.com/Shoebox/ [This has gone the way of the cloud. Boo!]


[added 2015-01-23]

Too bad UPnP / DLNA is such a shambles. Network photo streaming is where iPhoto has [had] them all beat… so long as you connect via OS X, iOS, or TV. [Sharing iPhoto to iPhoto has been removed. You’re supposed to rely on iCloud photostream sharing. This “solution” is ass.]