This script will use Acrobat’s built in conversion settings (set in Acrobat’s preferences) to convert an open PDF to a new JPEG file and place that file in the folder of said PDF. If a file with the same name (including extension) exists it will prompt for a new name, at which point you may enter a new name or keep it the same and replace the old file.
Not allowing Acrobat to name the new file because, on Macintosh, Acrobat has a ridiculously low character limit when auto-generating a file.
Has not been tested with multi-page PDF’s, but I do not think it will handle them correctly [it does not]. Acrobat will do it, but the extra file shuffling will not. Also unknown if having a window (document) minimized will cause any shenanigans.
Also note this is written for Acrobat 7. Why? Because old hardware needs old software.
[UPDATE] Changed to allow multiple selections.
tell application "Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional"
set _docs to name of every document
if (count of _docs) is greater than 1 then
set _docs to (choose from list _docs with prompt "Select file(s) to convert:" with multiple selections allowed) as list
end if
repeat with i in _docs
set _doc to (every document whose name is i)
set _path to file alias of item 1 of _doc
set _temp to (path to temporary items folder as text) & "acrobat_tmp_jpg"
save item 1 of _doc to file _temp using conversion "com.adobe.acrobat.jpeg"
tell application "Finder"
set _name to (text items 1 thru -5 of i) & ".jpg"
set _proof to ((container of file _path) as text) & _name
if (exists _proof) then
set _name to text returned of (display dialog "File '" & _name & "' already exists. Please enter a new name (or leave the same to replace):" default answer _name as text)
set _proof to ((container of file _path) as text) & _name
end if
do shell script "mv " & quoted form of POSIX path of _temp & " " & quoted form of POSIX path of _proof
reveal file _proof
end tell
end repeat
end try
end tell